We are passionate about helping people with Long Covid. We know firsthand how challenging it is to live with Long Covid, and are committed to sharing our knowledge and tools to help you manage symptoms and feel better.
Katie and Andrea

Hi, I'm Katie Brennan
Co/Founder of ThriveNinety and first experienced Long Covid in March 2020
Katie's Story
Katie is an economist with experience developing healthcare policy and supporting innovative approaches to care for people with complex conditions. She is a senior leader and researcher in the health care sector with experience working in the US and over a decade in the National Health Service in England - drawing on data, research and clinical input to find healthcare solutions that get to the root cause of issues, consider the whole person and deliver positive impacts for people needing care. Since March 2020 she’s had firsthand experience of Long Covid, and the process of working out how to manage symptoms. She moved back to the US in 2021 with her family. Frustrated by not feeling like herself, and going through daily and weekly ups and downs, she drew on her knowledge of the healthcare space, emerging research and experience of others with autoimmune conditions (including Long Covid) to find a solution to ease her own symptoms. Working with Andrea, she refined and tested a number of tools and found success, developing an approach that can be shared with others. Since March 2023 she has been focused on supporting others to help limit the impact Long Covid symptoms have on their lives. More about Katie.

We at ThriveNinety
For those facing Long Covid it can feel like you are not healthy and don’t have a way to get better. For some people it may limit their ability to do day to day tasks, for others it may mean they have trouble exercising the way they did, or now have sensitivity to certain foods or other stimuli (like noise). This can feel frustrating and lonely, in part because the medical community doesn’t have clear guidelines and protocols to diagnose the root cause or offer tools to reduce symptoms.
We know that we will continue to learn more about Covid-19 and how it impacts the body. But we also know there is enough research and evidence available now to create an evidence-based tool kit to help people with Long Covid. Katie and Andrea have used evidence and experience to help those with Long Covid to manage symptoms through a combination of practical tools - rooted in science about what helps brains and bodies function at their best, and the latest research about Long Covid. Our approach includes 5 Pillars to support a whole body approach to your recovery. As a foundation, the tools ease the nervous system and reduce inflammatory responses, allowing your body to self-regulate and reduce the impact of Long Covid Symptoms. It has proven effective, builds on foundations of healthy lifestyles and is medication free. These approaches can be used on their own or in combination with other treatments, as advised by your doctor.
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